I’ve moved the FAfx Projext website to finnangelo.com

Well, I’ve actually moved it to http://finnangelo.com/wp, but the .htaccess file will redirect you to the subfolder anyway!

Why have I moved?

Down to the pub!
Right! Down to the pub!

There’s a couple of small reasons;

  1. I may not update the https://fafx.wordpress.com website every day, but I have spent a bit of time on it. It’s about time I got my own site that has a proper domain name.
  2. I want control of my website. I want to look at some of the other wordpress plugins and maybe even write a couple later on…
  3. I got the hosting really (really!) cheap for the first year from http://serversinseconds.com.au and have so far found them helpful

The migration was really easy – the old posts are at the new site and hopefully google will soon be updating the links…

I’ll say it again – http://finnangelo.com!!